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Have you tried our Protein Smoothie - 'THE MELI'!

THE MELI : is our most decadent protein smoothie, with cacao nibs for a choc hit mixed with berries and rounded out with mesquite and peanuts! Giving you a healthy hit of vitamins, protein and fibre.

MADE WITH : Banana, Blueberries Peanuts, Cacao Nibs, Mesquite, Medjool Dates, Almond Milk


LEVEL 1 pea protein isolate

LEVEL 2 whey or pea protein isolate + pepitas + flaxseeds

LEVEL 3 whey or pea protein isolate + pepitas + flaxseeds + maca

THE MELI is GOOD FOR : Strength, Digestion, Immune System and Brain Function


ALMONDS: (Almond Milk) Almonds can help to lower cholesterol, protect artery walls from damage as well as help build strong bones and teeth. They’re also high in healthy mono-unsaturated fats. Almonds are the only nut to contain protein and one of the few proteins that are alkaline forming. Almonds also contain Magnesium, Molydenum, Vitamin E, Copper, Phosphorus and Potassium which are good for your Heart, Weight Loss, Immune System, Bones, Teeth.

BANANA : Banana’s are not only full of potassium and helpful for sustaining blood sugar but can also help depression due to their high levels of Tryptophan. Containing Potassium, Pectin, and Fibre, the Banana is great for Energy, Strength, Inflammation, Nervous System, Heart Care and Digestion

BLUEBERRIES : A superfood in their own right, the blue hue of the blueberries is actually created by the flavonoids that protect the brain’s memory-carrying cells. They contain Anti-oxidants, Vitamin C, E and A as well as B-Complex Vitamins. Good for your Immune system, Nervous System, Brain Function and Memory.

PEANUTS : Peanuts are rich in energy and contain health benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are essential for optimum health. They compose sufficient levels of mono-unsaturated fatty acids especially oleic acid. It helps lower LDL or "bad cholesterol" and increase HDL or "good cholesterol” level in the blood.

CACAO NIBS : Cacao nibs are one of the highest sources of antioxidants and in a one ounce serving of cacao there is 9 grams of fibre, helping to lower blood cholesterol and improve bowel movement. Eating dark chocolate of at least 70% cocoa solids has long been considered as a healthy superfood treat, but cacao takes it to that next level.

MESQUITE : Mesquite is high in protein and contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, is low on the glycemic index, and a good source of soluble fibre. It digests relatively slowly and does not cause spikes in blood sugar.

MEDJOOL DATES : are packed full of with calories, carbohydrates, proteins and no fat. The sugar in them is usually glucose, fructose and traces of sucrose and maltose.

For Sydney's Best Superfood Smoothies, visit O Superfood at Shop 6, 310 - 330 Oxford Street, Bondi Junction.

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